How Many Restaurant Are In San Francisco - Report
number of restaurants in san francisco

How Many Restaurants Are In San Francisco - Report

July 2nd, 2024

There are 13,448 restaurants in San Francisco according to data which we compiled using Google’s Maps Data. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in the city of San Francisco.

The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in San Francisco. We analyzed all 13,448 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.

13,448 Restaurants in San Francisco

There are 13,448 restaurants in San Francisco according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories (in no particular order) in San Francisco include: Cafe, Seafood, Mexican, Bubble Tea, Coffee Shop, American, Bar, Sushi, Pizza and Korean.

san francisco restaurants map

15.4 Restaurants Per Capita

With population of 873,965 population in 2020 according to US Census Bureau, there are 15.4 restaurants per 1000 residents in San Francisco. This is one of the highest restaurants per capita ratios across the entire United States.

Restaurants per 1000 people

Mexican Cuisine Is #1

Among a variety of cuisine options throughout San Francisco, Mexican cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 1,022. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Chinese (856), American (446), Italian (431), Japanese (389), Korean (252) and Indian (199).

popular cuisine in san francisco

30 Michelin Star Restaurants

San Francisco is home to some of the best restaurants in the world with 30 restaurants having Michelin Star distinctions. There are 21 one star restaurants, 6 two star restaurants and 3 three star restaurants in San Francisco. The three restaurants with three Michelin Star distinction are Benu, Quince and Atelier Crenn.

Michelin Star Restaurants

85 Fast Food Restaurants

With San Francisco’s enactment of anti-chain bylaws in 2006, it’s not a surprise that the city has one of the fewest number of fast-food restaurants among large American cities with just 85. The only notable fast food chain restaurant in San Francisco is McDonald’s.

fast food restaurants in san francisco

13 McDonald's Locations

There are 13 McDonald’s locations in the city of San Francisco.

McDonald's locations

1,903 Bars

San Francisco offers an extensive variety of bar options to residents and visitors alike with over 1900 establishments. Popular bar categories include sports bar, bar, cocktail bar, wine bar, karaoke bar, gay bar and live music bar.

1,049 Cafés

There are 1,049 Cafés in San Francisco making the city a


1,363 Coffee Shops

San Francisco also boasts an impressive 1,363 coffee shops throughout the city with more popular chains such as Starbucks, Peet’s Coffee and Blue Bottle Coffee. About 10% of all restaurant establishments in San Francisco are coffee shops.

748 Pizza Restaurants

San Francisco has 748 pizza restaurants across the city including some chains such as Papa John’s.

Pizza Restaurants


San Francisco has a very unique restaurant scene. From absence of many popular chain restaurants to presence of some of the highest rated upscale restaurants in the world, San Francisco has restaurant unlike any other in the United States.

The most striking aspects include the very high 15.4 restaurants per 1000 people, second most restaurants in California just behind Los Angeles and very low number of fast food restaurants with just 85.


There are 13,488 restaurants in San Francisco.

There are 15.4 restaurants per capita in San Francisco.

There are 13 McDonald’s locations in San Francisco.

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