November 15th, 2024
There are 13,357 restaurants in the city of Orlando, FL according to data which we compiled using Google Maps data. This data represents all restaurant related establishments (including coffee shops and bars) listed on Google Maps in Orlando.
The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in Orlando. We analyzed all 13,357 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.
There are 13,357 restaurants in the City of Orlando according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories in Orlando include: general restaurant, coffee shop, bar, mexican and fast food.
With population of 320,742 population in 2023 according to US Census Bureau, there are 41.7 restaurants per 1000 residents in Orlando.
Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Orlando, Mexican cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 789. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Chinese (534), American (397), Italian (276), Japanese (192), Latin American (129) and Jamaican (125).
There are a total of 7 Michelin one star restaurants in Orlando. There are currently no two star Michelin star restaurants in Orlando.
There are 998 pizza restaurants in Orlando with multiple locations among popular chains such as Domino’s, Pizza Hut and Little Caesars.
With 778 fast food restaurants in Orlando, popular brands include McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s and KFC.
Orlando currently offers 1,275 bars and bar related establishments. Popular bar categories include: bar, bar & grill, sports bar and cocktail bar.
There are 994 coffee shops in Orlando with popular chains like Starbucks and Dunkin’ having the most locations.
Orlando also has 737 cafes across the city.
The average rating of all restaurants on Google in Orlando is 4.0/5.
In conclusion, Orlando boasts a remarkably high number of restaurants, with estimates suggesting that the city is home to over 13,000 restaurant establishments. This impressive figure highlights Orlando’s status as a vibrant culinary hub, offering a diverse range of options for both locals and tourists. When considering the city’s population size, the ratio of restaurants per capita is notably high, underscoring Orlando’s commitment to providing an extensive variety of dining experiences.
There are 13,357 restaurants in Orlando.
There are 41.7 restaurants per capita in Orlando.
Mexican is the most popular cuisine in Orlando with 789.