How Many Restaurants Are In Atlanta - Report
number of restaurants in atlanta

How Many Restaurants Are In Atlanta - Report

March 25th, 2025

There are 2,656 restaurants in the city of Atlanta according to data which we compiled using Google’s Maps Data. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Atlanta.

The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in the state of Atlanta. We analyzed all 2,656 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.

2,656 Restaurants in Atlanta

There are 2,656 restaurants in Atlanta according to Google Maps data. The most popular restaurant categories in Atlanta include: Pizza, Mexican, Coffee Shop, Bar, Cafe and others.

5.0 Restaurants Per Capita

With population of 510,823 in 2024 according to US Census Bureau, there are 5.0 restaurants per 1000 residents in Atlanta.

Restaurants per 1000 residents

197 Pizza Restaurants

There are 197 pizza restaurants in Atlanta

pizza restaurants atlanta

9 Michelin Star Restaurants

There are 9 Michelin star restaurants in Atlanta with all being one Michelin star.

Michelin Star Restaurants

75 Fast-food Restaurants

There are a total of 75 fast food restaurants in Atlanta. Popular chains include McDonald’s, Sonic, Arby’s and others.

187 Mexican Restaurants

There are 187 mexican restaurants in Atlanta with most popular chains like Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Little Caesars and others.

Mexican Restaurants

246 Bars

Atlanta offers 246 bars and bar related venues throughout the venue. Popular bar categories include: bar, sports bar, wine bar, cocktail bar, karaoke bay, hookah bar, live music bar and gay bar.

135 Cafes

There are 135 Cafes in Atlanta.


232 Coffee Shops

There are also 232 coffee shops in Atlanta. Popular brand chains include Starbucks, Dunkin and others.


In conclusion, Atlanta’s impressive total of 2,656 restaurants reflects the city’s dynamic and diverse culinary scene. Notably, a substantial portion of these eateries includes pizza places, coffee shops, and bars, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether it’s grabbing a quick slice, enjoying a freshly brewed coffee, or unwinding at a lively bar, Atlanta’s abundance of these popular dining options demonstrates the city’s ability to embrace both traditional favorites and contemporary dining trends. For locals and visitors alike, the sheer variety ensures there’s always something new to explore and savor.

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