Updated March 18th, 2025
There are 1,792 restaurants in the city of Boston according to data which we compiled using Google’s Maps Data. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Boston.
The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in the city of Boston. We analyzed all 1,792 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.
There are 1,792 restaurants in the city of Boston according to Google Maps data. The most popular restaurant categories in Boston include: Coffee Shop, Bar, Pizza, Cafe, Mexican and Italian.
With population of 653.8 thousand in 2023 according to US Census Bureau, there are 2.7 restaurants per 1000 residents in Boston.
Boston is quite the coffee city with 302 coffee shops and cafes making up 17% of all restaurants in the city.
There are also 94 Mexican and 97 Italian restaurants in Boston making the two cuisine categories most popular. Rounding up the top five are American (84), Chinese (57) and Japanese (33) restaurants.
There are 158 pizza restaurants in Boston which accounts for 7.5% of all restaurants in Boston.
Boston offers 157 bars and bar related venues throughout the city. Popular bar categories include: bar, pub, sports bar, cocktail bar, gay bar, wine bar and karaoke bar.
Boston has one of the lowest number of fast fast food restaurants among large American cities with just 31 restaurants that are categorized as fast food.
In a city as vibrant and dynamic as Boston, the restaurant scene reflects its diverse culture and tastes. With a staggering 1,792 restaurants, the city offers something for everyone, from fine dining to hidden neighborhood gems. Notably, cafes and coffee shops make up 17% of this culinary landscape, showcasing Bostonians’ love for coffee culture and cozy meeting spots. Whether you’re in search of a morning pick-me-up, a quiet corner to work, or a place to gather with friends, Boston’s thriving cafe scene proves to be an integral part of its rich gastronomic tapestry.