December 13th, 2024
There are 27,397 restaurants in the city of Houston according to data which we compiled using Google’s Maps Data. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Houston
The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in the city of Houston. We analyzed all 27,397 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.
There are 27,397 restaurants in Houston according to Google Maps data. The most popular restaurant categories in Houston include: Mexican, Fast Food, Pizza, Bar, Coffee Shop, Tacos, and Chinese.
With population of 2.3 million population in 2023 according to US Census Bureau, there are 11.9 restaurants per 1000 residents in Houston.
Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Houston, Mexican cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 4,497 which makes up 16.4% of all restaurants in Houston. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: American (807), Chinese (807), Vietnamese (587), Salvadoran (419), Italian (401) and Honduran (286).
There are 5 Michelin star restaurants in Houston with all being one Michelin star.
There are a total of 1,792 fast food restaurants in Houston. Popular chains include McDonald’s, Sonic, Arby’s and others.
There are 2,894 pizza restaurants in Houston with most popular chains like Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Little Caesars and others.
Houston offers 843 taco restaurants which is not part of the total number of Mexican restaurants making Houston a taco capital of Texas if not America.
There are 2,060 bar related establishments including bar, karaoke bar, cocktail bar, sports bar and others.
There are also over one thousand coffee shops in Houston with popular chains like Dunkin, Starbucks and others.
Houston’s vibrant culinary scene reflects the city’s diversity and love for good food, boasting one of the highest numbers of restaurants per capita in the United States. Among its countless dining options, Mexican and taco restaurants stand out, showcasing Houston’s deep ties to Tex-Mex culture and its large Hispanic community. From authentic taquerias to innovative fusion spots, these establishments play a significant role in defining the city’s food identity. With such a vast array of options, it’s clear that Houston offers a unique and flavorful dining experience, particularly for those who appreciate the rich heritage and bold flavors of Mexican cuisine.
There are 27,397 restaurants in the state of Texas.
There are 11.9 restaurants per capita in Houston.
Mexican cuisine is the most popular cuisine in Houston with 4,497 restaurants or 16.4% of all restaurants in Houston.