How Many Restaurants Are In Vancouver - Report
how many restaurants in vancouver

How Many Restaurants Are In Vancouver - Report

March 14th, 2024

There are a total of 2827 restaurants in the city of Vancouver according to data which we compiled using Google Maps. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Vancouver and does not include surrounding cities like Burnaby or Surrey .

The data in this article is a representation of number of restaurants in the metropolitan area of Vancouver. We analyzed all 2827 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.

If you’d like to view restaurant data for other Canadian cities, you can do so here: Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa.

2,827 Restaurants in Vancouver

There are 2827 restaurants in the City of Vancouver according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories (in no particular order) in Vancouver include: Pizza, Tex-Mex, Bar, Mexican, Coffee, Fast food, Cafe, Grill, Lebanese, Chinese, Italian, Sushi, Ramen and Izakaya.

Vancouver also has nine Michelin star restaurants.

number of restaurants in vancouver

4.3 Restaurants Per Capita

With population of 662,000 population in 2021 according to Census Canada, there are 4.3 restaurants per 1000 residents in Vancouver.

Restaurants per 1000 people

Japanese Cuisine Has Most Options

Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Vancouver, Japanese cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 108. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Chinese (99), Vietnamese (77), Italian (65), Indian (63), Korean (55) and Mexican (39).

Most popular cuisine vancouver

Average Customer Rating of 3.9/5

Vancouver restaurants have an average customer rating of 3.9/5 on Google. There are 77 restaurants in Vancouver that have a perfect 5/5 rating on Google while 761 have 4.5 or more. 273 restaurants in Vancouver have a customer rating of less than 3.

0 /5
Average customer rating

69 Fast Food Restaurants

With 69 fast food restaurants in Vancouver, popular brands include McDonald’s, Hi Five Chicken, KFC, Dairy Queen and Five Guys.

20 McDonald's locations

There are 20 McDonald’s locations in the city of Vancouver.

McDonald's locations

133 Bars

Vancouver offers 133 bars with most being located in the downtown area and in the surrounding neighbourhoods such as Mt. Pleasant.

195 Pizza Restaurants

Vancouver has 195 pizza restaurants across the city with popular brands such as Freshslice, Pizza Pizza, Pi Co, Boston Pizza and Domino’s.

Pizza Restaurants

199 Coffee Shops

Vancouver also boasts an impressive 199 coffee shops across the city.

Coffee shops in vancouver

42 Tim Hortons & 60 Starbucks

Starbucks has more locations than Tim Hortons in Vancouver with 60 locations compared to just 42 locations.

266 Cafés

There is a total of 266 cafés in the city of Vancouver.



With the highest number of dining establishments per capita among large Canadian cities, Vancouver offers something to satisfy every palate. Asian cuisine has significant influence on Vancouver’s restaurant scene with Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and Korean having the most restaurant options.

Vancouver is also the only large Canadian city which has more Starbucks than Tim Hortons locations.


There are 2,827 restaurants in the City of Vancouver.

There are nine Michelin Star restaurants in Vancouver which includes: AnnaLena, iDen, Okeya Kyujiro,  Burdock & Co, Published on Main, Kissa Tanto, Barbara, St. Lawrence and Masayoshi.

There are 4.3 restaurants per capita in Vancouver.

There are 266 Cafés in Vancouver.

There are 60 Starbucks locations in Vancouver.

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