How To Increase Customer Loyalty At Your Restaurant
increase customer loyalty at restaurant

How To Increase Customer Loyalty At Your Restaurant

June 5th, 2024

Building customer loyalty in the current restaurant landscape is a challenge facing many restaurant owners. From abundance of options to customers who are always trying to go to new restaurants, creating a loyal customer base is not easy.

In this article, you’ll learn the top strategies you can use to increase customer loyalty at your restaurant. These strategies are best used to improve customer retention, increase average order value and encourage word of mouth referrals.

Emphasize Good Customer Service

It’s a well-known fact that the perceived quality of customer service directly influences customer loyalty. If your serving staff is friendly and polite, customers are more likely to return – it’s as simple as that. Encourage your employees to provide attentive and proactive service with a smile, accommodating any special requirements or dietary restrictions your guests may have.

Create a Memorable Dining Experience

Customers are more likely to return to your establishment if you provide something unique and memorable. Ensure your food is cooked to perfection and your drinks are well mixed – and never underestimate the power of presentation. Even a single signature dish, like a beautifully glazed brisket or an unusually presented tiramisu, is enough to entice a customer back.

Keep Your Space Dynamic

Your food shouldn’t be the only thing that’s fresh at your restaurant. Changing the menu items and restaurant layout from time to time will keep your loyal customers satisfied and eager to return. Hosting special events, such as live music and quiz nights, is also a great way to shake things up a bit and encourage previous customers to come back.

Implement Rewards

Creating a simple and accessible reward offers is one of the best ways to persuade customers to return. Loyalty programs, such as a free drink for every five purchased or discounted meals on certain nights, are proven to significantly increase customer loyalty. It’s best to keep your reward offers simple, as these are the most effective.

Personalizing these reward programs will further increase customer loyalty. For example, you could partner with local businesses to offer discounts on stores known in your area. Alternatively, you could give each customer a choice between two or three perks, such as money off or a free dessert of their choosing.

Encourage Sign-Ups

Train your staff members to sell your restaurant’s loyalty programs and rewards to customers. For instance, your front-of-house staff could greet your guests and explain that they can receive 10% off their meal if they sign up for your mailing list. Servers should also remind customers at the end of the meal during payment, highlighting loyalty schemes and discounts that guests can receive if they return.

Utilize Restaurant Technology

Updating your restaurant tech will increase your employees’ efficiency, helping them create a more fulfilling guest experience. Up-to-date POS systems enable waiters to send orders more quickly, while innovative payment processing systems give customers a broader choice of payment methods. By utilizing restaurant technology, you can speed up your service and give your guests a smooth and hassle-free dining experience.

Invite Feedback

Ask your customers to review their experiences with your establishment. Encourage the use of review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor and respond to the feedback you receive before taking it on board and adjusting your procedures accordingly. Many restaurants also offer special discounts or competition entries for customers who submit a review.

Recognize & Respect Regulars

The work doesn’t stop once you start to see regular customers enter your doors; retaining customers requires just as much work as acquiring them. Greet your regulars by name (if known) and encourage your staff to build a rapport with them. For example, your server could ask about a job or event the customer referred to the last time they visited, or you could have your waiter suggest a dish similar to the one they enjoyed before.

Offer Multiple Ways To Serve Customers

Offer online ordering, delivery and pickup services to all customers. This can ensure that your customers can order from your restaurant using multiple options and not just by sitting down. This can also help your customers introduce your restaurant’s cuisine to their friends and family.


Attracting and retaining regular customers can be easier than you might think. From simple customer service adjustments to occasional alterations in seating arrangements, you’ll be surprised at how even the slightest of changes can increase your customer loyalty.

Use the strategies outlined above to bring back more customers through your doors and even spread awareness about your restaurants among their friends and customers.


Offer amazing services, deliver consistent food experience and reward regular customers is a starting point for all restaurants to consider when trying to bring back customers.

With a loyal customer base, your restaurant will have increased sales, more word of mouth marketing and higher average order value.

Offering a free reward for every xth order is a great way to reward regular customers and encourage loyalty. Customers love freebies and offering a free drink/app/dessert for certain thresholds reach is a great start.

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