February 27th, 2025
There are 11,052 pizza restaurants in Canada according to data which we compiled using Google’s Maps Data. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Canada.
We analyzed all 11,052 pizza restaurant listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.
There are 11,052 pizza restaurants in Canada with most popular categories including Pizza, Pizza Takeout and Pizza Restaurant.
With population of 41.5 million population in 2024 according to Statistics Canada, there are 1.3 pizza restaurants per 10,000 residents in Canada.
Calgary has the most pizza restaurants in Canada with 466 while Toronto is second with 390, Edmonton third with 386, Montreal fourth with 359 and Winnipeg fifth with 247. However, Greater Toronto Area still has the most pizza restaurants in Canada.
Ontario has the most pizza pizza restaurants with 4,372 while Quebec has 1,834, Alberta has 1,618 and British Columbia 1,578.
There are a total of 649 Pizza Hut Restaurants in Canada.
There are a total of 613 Domino’s Pizza Restaurants in Canada.
There are a total of 609 Pizza Pizza Restaurants in Canada.
Canadian pizza market continues to thrive with a remarkable total of 11,052 pizza restaurants nationwide. This figure not only reflects the deep-rooted passion for pizza among Canadians but also highlights the sector’s robust growth and diversity – from large franchise chains to beloved local independents. Such a substantial presence underlines pizza’s pivotal role in the country’s vibrant dining landscape and signals promising opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs alike.