How Many Restaurants Are In Montreal - Report
how many restaurants in montreal

How Many Restaurants Are In Montreal - Report

March 22nd, 2024

There are 4698 restaurants in the city of Montreal according to data which we compiled using Google Maps. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Montreal.

The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in the metropolitan area of Montreal that are listed on Google Maps. We analyzed all 4698 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.

If you’d like to view restaurant data for other Canadian cities, you can do so here: Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary. Edmonton, Ottawa.

4,698 Restaurants in Montreal

There are 4698 restaurants in the City of Montreal according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories (in no particular order) in Montreal include: Greek, Sushi, Pizza, Coffee Shop, Korean, Sushi, Bubble Tea, Sandwich, Hamburger, Bar, Fried Chicken, Breakfast, Cafe, Fast Food, Asian, Italian, Indian and Patisserie.

There is currently zero Michelin star restaurants in Montreal.

2.7 Restaurants Per Capita

With population of 1.76 million population in 2021 according to Census Canada, there are 2.7 restaurants per 1000 residents in Montreal.

Restaurants per 1000 people

Italian Cuisine Has Most Options

Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Montreal, Italian cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 128. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Indian (87), Chinese (85), Vietnamese (64), Lebanese (58), Mexican (57) and French (25).

Average Customer Rating of 3.8/5

Montreal restaurants have an average customer rating of 3.8/5 on Google. There are 285 restaurants in Montreal that have a perfect 5/5 rating on Google while 1505 have 4.5 or more. 533 restaurants in Montreal have a customer rating of less than 3/5.

0 /5
Average Google rating

122 Fast-food Restaurants

With 122 fast food restaurants in Montreal, popular brands include McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Harvey’s.

36 McDonald's Locations

There are 36 McDonald’s locations in the metropolitan area of Montreal.

McDonald's locations

421 Bars

Montreal offers 421 bars and bar related venues to enjoy during the day as well as night. Popular bar categories include: bar, bar  & grill, karaoke bar, sports bar and cocktail bar.

number of bars in montreal

312 Pizza Restaurants

Montreal offers a lot of pizza options for residents and visitors with 312 pizza restaurant locations across the city.

Pizza restaurants

318 Coffee Shops

Montreal also boasts an impressive 318 coffee shops across the city.

number of coffee shops in montreal

71 Tim Hortons & 21 Starbucks Locations

Montreal also has 71 Tim Hortons and 21 Starbucks locations in the city, giving coffee lovers recognizable brands to choose from.

402 Cafés

Montreal boasts 402 café establishments, making it Canada’s premier café destination.



In comparison to other large Canadian cities, Montreal offers relatively low number of fast-food options while having a high number of coffee shops, cafés and bars. This solidifies Montreal’s food scene as a quintessential European influenced restaurant hub.

What’s interesting about Montreal cuisine options is that the most prevalent cuisine option is Italian and French cuisine is only offered by 25 restaurants.


There are 4,698 restaurants in the City of Montreal (metropolitan area).

Montreal has the second most restaurants among Canadian cities while Toronto has the most restaurants.

There are 2.7 restaurants per capita in Montreal.

There are 21 Starbucks locations on Montreal.

There are 36 McDonald’s in Montreal.

There are 71 Tim Hortons locations in Montreal.

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