March 23rd, 2024
There are 9,378 restaurants in the city of Toronto according to data which we compiled using Google Maps. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Toronto.
The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in the city of Toronto. We analyzed all 9,378 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.
If you’d like to view restaurant data for other Canadian cities, you can do so here: Montreal, Vancouver. Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa.
There are 9,378 restaurants in the City of Toronto according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories (in no particular order) in Toronto include: Coffee shop, Hamburger, Indian, Mexican, Pizza, Fast Food, Greek, Bubble Tea, Chinese and others.
There are currently 15 Michelin star restaurants in Toronto with Sushi Masaki Saito being the only two Michelin star restaurant in Canada.
With population of 2.79 million in 2021 according to Census Canada, there are 3.4 restaurants per 1000 residents in Toronto.
Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Toronto, Chinese cuisine has the highest number of restaurants that categorize as such with 308. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Indian (278), Italian (231), Japanese (144), Mexican (139), Korean (137) and Thai (106).
Toronto restaurants have an average customer rating of 3.9/5 on Google. There are 446 restaurants in Toronto that have a perfect 5/5 rating on Google while 2766 have 4.5 or more. 934 restaurants in Toronto have a customer rating of less than 3/5.
With 338 fast food restaurants in Toronto, popular brands include McDonald’s, Wendy’s and KFC.
There are 70 McDonald’s locations in the city of Toronto.
Toronto offers 520 bars and bar related venues to enjoy during the day as well as night.
Toronto offers a lot of pizza options for residents and visitors with 667 pizza restaurant locations across the city.
Torontonians love coffee as evidenced by 749 coffee shops across the city.
There is 2.3 times more Tim Hortons locations (328) than there are Starbucks locations (140) in Toronto.
Toronto boasts 572 cafés in addition to 749 coffee shops with a large variety of options spread across the city.
There are 344 bubble tea establishments in Toronto, making it a city where you can get a bubble tea from a different venue almost every day of the year.
The staggering number of 9378 restaurants in Toronto reflects the city’s vibrant culinary landscape and there’s a lot to explore beyond just quantity. Understanding factors such as cultural diversity, culinary trends, sustainability efforts, and local favorites can greatly enrich one’s dining experience in Toronto. From hidden gems in diverse neighborhoods to renowned establishments, Toronto offers a restaurant journey filled with endless possibilities for residents and visitors alike.
There are 9,378 restaurants in the city of Toronto which includes Etobicoke, North York and Scarborough. This number does not represent total number of restaurants in the GTA.
Yes, Toronto has the most restaurants among all Canadian cities.
There are 3.4 restaurants per capita in Toronto.
There are 14 one Michelin star restaurants and 1 two Michelin star restaurant in Toronto.
Prices in Toronto vary greatly depending on the restaurant. With over 9,000 options there is a restaurant that can fit any budget.
There are 70 McDonald’s locations in Toronto.
There are 328 Tim Hortons locations in Toronto.