How Many Restaurants Are In Canada - Report
how many restaurants in canada

How Many Restaurants Are In Canada - Report

April 26th, 2024

There are 108,313 restaurants in Canada according to data which we compiled using Google Maps. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Canada and covers all restaurant categories.

The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in Canada. We analyzed all of the Google Maps data in this report and you can find the key findings below.

If you’d like to view restaurant data specific for large Canadian cities, you can do so here: Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa.

108,313 Restaurants in Canada

There are a total of 108,313 restaurants in Canada with popular categories that include fast food, pizza, coffee, Indian, Chinese and others.

There are 24 Michelin star restaurants in Canada.

Restaurants in Canada

2.93 Restaurants per Capita in Canada

With a population of 36,992,000 according to Census Canada, there are 2.93 restaurants per capita (1000 people) in Canada.

Restaurants per capita (per 1000 people) in Canada

Ontario Has The Most Restaurants

Ontario has 41,918 restaurants and with a population of 14.2 million population in 2021 according to Census Canada, there are 2.9 restaurants per 1000 residents in Ontario. British Columbia has the highest number of restaurants per capita with 3.2 and ranks third in total number of restaurants with 16,067.

Quebec has the second most restaurants among all Canadian provinces with 23,629. Alberta ranks fourth with 12,340 restaurants, followed by Saskatchewan with 3,478, Manitoba with 3,307, Nova Scotia with 2,682, New Brunswick with 2,352 and Newfoundland & Labrador with 1,383.

Number of restaurants by province

Chinese Cuisine Has Most Options

Chinese is the most popular cuisine option in Canada with 2,994 restaurants while Indian cuisine is second with 2,340 restaurants. Italian is third with 1,702 restaurants, Mexican is fourth with 1,535 restaurants and Japanese is fifth with 1,213 restaurants.

Rounding up the top ten cuisine list is Thai (874), Vietnamese (822), Korean (676), Canadian (209) and French (89).

most popular cuisine canada

5,377 Fast-food Restaurants

Canada has 5,377 fast-food restaurants in total with popular brands like Wendy’s, McDonald’s, KFC and Dairy Queen dominating the market.

1,458 McDonald's Locations

There are 1,458 McDonald’s locations in Canada making it the sixth ranked country by number of McDonald’s locations.

McDonald's locations

5,614 Bars

Canada has 5,614 bars and bar related venues to enjoy during the day as well as night. Popular bar categories include: bar, bar  & grill, sports bar and cocktail bar.

10,188 Pizza Restaurants

Canadians love pizza with almost every tenth restaurant being a pizza restaurant. There are a total of 10,188 pizza restaurants in Canada and popular chains include Pizza Pizza, Domino’s and Boston Pizza.

Pizza restaurants

6,508 Coffee Shops

Canada has 6,508 coffee shops with popular chains like Tim Hortons, Starbucks and Second Cup dominating the coffee shop landscape.

Number of coffee shops canada

5,903 Cafes

There are a total of 5,903 cafes in Canada with a significant portion of single location cafes serving the Canadian market.



Canada’s love for pizza, coffee and cafes is evident with approximately 20% of all restaurants being represented by just those three categories. When it comes to cuisine, Canadians’ large Chinese and Indian communities dominate the demand for their respective cuisines across Canada with almost 3,000 Chinese restaurants and 2340 Indian restaurants.

Despite not having a reputation as a traveller’s desired food destination, there are over 100k+ restaurant options throughout Canada that cover every food category imaginable. From sushi to fusion cuisine, Canada’s restaurant scene may surprise even the most picky eaters.


Ontario has the most restaurants in Canada with 41,918 followed by Quebec (23,629) and British Columbia (16,0767).

Tim Hortons is Canada’s largest restaurant chain with over 4400 locations just inside Canada.

Toronto has the most restaurants among all Canadian cities with 9,378.

The entire restaurant industry in Canada is about $50 billion USD.

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