How Many Restaurants Are In Edmonton - Report
Number of restaurants in edmonton

How Many Restaurants Are In Edmonton - Report

March 27th, 2024

There are 2,859 restaurants in the city of Edmonton according to data which we compiled using Google Maps. This data represents all restaurants listed on Google Maps in Edmonton.

The data in this article is a representation of the number of restaurants in Edmonton. We analyzed all 2859 listings and here are the most important data findings we discovered.

If you’d like to view restaurant data for other Canadian cities, you can do so here: Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa.

2,859 Restaurants in Edmonton

There are 2859 restaurants in the City of Edmonton according to Google’s data. The most popular restaurant categories (in no particular order) in Edmonton include: Mexican, Pizza, Bar & Grill, Chinese, Indian and Fast Food.

There are currently zero Michelin star restaurants in Edmonton.

how many restaurants in edmonton

2.8 Restaurants Per Capita

With population of 1.01 million population in 2021 according to Census Canada, there are 2.8 restaurants per 1000 residents in Edmonton. This number is almost the same as per capita number of restaurants in Calgary of 2.9.

Restaurants per 1000 people

Indian Cuisine Has Most Options

Among a variety of cuisine options throughout Edmonton, Indian cuisine has the highest number of restaurants with 96. This is followed by the following cuisine focused restaurants: Chinese (93), Vietnamese (63), Mexican (51), Japanese (41), Italian (35) and Greek (24).

Average Customer Rating of 3.8/5

Edmonton restaurants have an average customer rating of 3.8/5 on Google. There are 134 restaurants in Edmonton that have a perfect 5/5 rating on Google while 817 have 4.5 or more. 324 restaurants in Edmonton have a customer rating of less than 3/5.

0 /5
Average Google rating

248 Fast-food Restaurants

With 248 fast food restaurants in Edmonton, popular brands include McDonald’s, Arby’s and KFC.

fast food edmonton

47 McDonald's Locations

There are 47 McDonald’s locations in the city of Edmonton.

McDonald's locations

112 Bars

Edmonton offers 112 bars and bar related venues to enjoy during the day as well as night. Popular bar categories include: bar, bar  & grill, sports bar and cocktail bar.

bars in edmonton

343 Pizza Restaurants

Edmonton offers a lot of pizza options for residents and visitors with 343 pizza restaurant locations across the city. Popular brands include Boston Pizza, Pizza 73 and Pizza Hut.

Pizza restaurants

184 Coffee Shops

Edmonton also has 184 coffee shops across the city with popular brands such as Tim Hortons, Starbucks and Second Cup.

coffee shops edmonton

63 Tim Hortons Locations

Edmont also has 63 Tim Hortons.

150 Cafés

Beyond coffee shops and Tim Hortons, there are 150 cafés in Edmonton.



While Edmonton and Calgary share some similarities in terms of their restaurant scenes, Edmonton’s several unique characteristics. Pizza is the most popular type of restaurant in Edmonton with 343 restaurants representing 12% of all restaurants in the city.

Fast food is also a popular option in Edmonton with 248 locations while Indian and Chinese cuisines offer most options.


There are 2,859 restaurants in the City of Edmonton.

There are 2.8 restaurants per capita in Edmonton.

There are 47 McDonald’s locations in Edmonton.

There are 63 Tim Hortons locations in Edmonton.

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